Wednesday 1 February 2017

Editing Reflection

After shooting our thriller we went up to the edit suite to put the thriller together. We had alot of footage to choose from so we began by going the the rushes and choosing our favourite few shots of each of the small scenes and put them into a seperate folder to go through and begin putting tother. We followed our initial sequence when putting it together, it was clear which the best shots were making it simple to put together. Of course there were some issues such as because we shot outside some shots had more lighting than others as sometimes the sun was out and other times it was hidden so we had to consider using colour gradient. In the end we put the footage together and all of the colours were very similar in the shots we chose so no extras to change the colours that appeared.

We used Adobe Premiere Pro when editing our thriller. Once the sequence had finally been put together we moved on to adding the effects. No sounds had to be re-recorded so that was on thing we did not have to worry about. As our thriller involves a shot thats from point of view of the recruited sniper, we went online and chose a sniper scope template and went from there to create a scope that using CGI we added over the shot to create the effect of looking through the scope. It took a while to do and it was slightly complex but in the end it looked very effective and realistic. We then needed to add in the gunshot wound, Matt helped us with this, after chosing the way we wanted the shot wound to look on the actor Matt showed us how to get the wound to track and stick to a certin spot, upon doing this all CGI effects were finished. Next we added in the titles, this was most likely the easiest part of the editing process. We simply added the text and changed the font to something that fits the spy themed thriller and is easy to read. We wrote out all the information and it appeared across some of the shots in the thriller and they appeared for just the right amount of time for the audience. The final title appeared on a black background at the end of the thriller and it was the title, we decided to name it "The Recruitment".

The last thing we did was add in the gunshot sound effect. There were many times of gunshot sounds stored onto the computer and there must have been 100 to choose from. We dicided to use the most accurate noises to fit each of the individual guns used as props in the thriller. For the sniper we of course used the sniper riffle effect which is reasonably quiet as a sniper gun would be, and for the final noise we used a handgun sound for the handgun. Once this was completed we had finished our thriller and it was ready to be posted.

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